Sunday, January 22, 2017

Assignment 2: Research Proposal Ideas

According to the research assignment posted in Week 2 and on Assignments, start by posting your research proposal ideas on the blog first.  Try to be somewhat focused.  For example, it will be hard to write short 3-5 page research paper on mobile health, but if there is a particular focus on mobile health (e.g., nutrition, fitness), then that would be better.

You can see the research proposal (and links for ideas) on D2L/Assignments or here:

You can post your own research idea(s) with a title and links (by signing in and clicking New Post), or comment below.

I provided many links to research ideas, but maybe this jpg of other research ideas might help.  It's just a list to get you thinking.  I didn't include everything; you can certainly use your own ideas.


  1. I'm interested in Telemedicine, specially the apps/websites available today for everything from dermatology (iDoc24) to diabetes management (welldoc). In addition to those sources from the Health Informatics resource center, I also found a useful article ( that shows a test and the author's opinion of one such app.

    1. I think this is a great topic, especially as it focuses on apps. It's different than mobile health apps because it allows doctors and patients to monitor progress - at least in theory. Here is a linkable link:

    2. I think the Fortune article is interesting as an example, but it doesn't differentiate between telehealth and telemedicine. Ch. 18 in our book offers a much more in-depth look at the topic, including the one you are interested in investigating. I'd look there first and then check out the references.

  2. I was planning to do research on the standardization of HIPPA through technology. With the ubiquity of mobile technology and the never-ending need for stronger security, I want to learn more about the role of IS and IT in the health field.

    1. I like this topic, especially as it pertains to mobile health. The article you cited provided a good overview of the problem. I did a google scholar on that article and found some more recent papers that cited this one. I then did a scholar search on HIPAA compliance and found this 2016 article that goes into more depth on HIPAA compliance and mobile devices among ACGME programs. I think the focus should be related to mobile tech, as you suggested. Lots of good research on this. Maybe define what you mean by HIPAA compliance and why mobile devices create problems with that.

    2. You will notice that I posted the HIPAA Journal on this blog under "Healthcare News Links" - a great resource. If you are on Twitter, here's another good resource @healthinfosec

  3. I would like to take a slightly different approach to the topics proposed and research the data security downfalls and techniques within the healthcare industry. With the passage of the ACA, many doctors were forced to transfer all of their paper files over to digital files, potentially making them vulnerable to hacking and other technological issues. I found a great article from Health Data Management that speaks about the incredible amount of security breaches among healthcare companies in the past few years. I would like to dive in more and see exactly how bad the problem is and see what measures are being taken to combat these breaches.

    1. The article you cite is related to many security threats. There is a great deal of research on security breaches, which I would recommend you focus on for this first proposal. Here is a good overview to get you started.

  4. I want to learn about Electronic Health Records and how their implementation has improved the healthcare services provided to patients. Also, I will try and find out the impact EHRs have on various stakeholders who use them while providing services related to healthcare.

    1. Can you provide more detail about which aspect of EHR implementation you want to research? This is a big field. We cover it next week (Week 4). You can look at the schedule on D2L. (Ch. 4 of the text is a good chapter.)

    2. As you suggested i went through the 4th chapter. The healthcare industry is on the verge of accepting analytics as the way to go forward. EHR will play a pertinent role in making predictive and prescriptive analytics sustainable in health care industry. Also, the concept of prescriptive analytics can then be applied to create intelligent machines, which will help in improving the quality of healthcare and lowering the cost of healthcare.
      I would like to base my research around analytics and machine learning and the impact they are having on the healthcare industry. An important aspect in using analytics is how the data will be stored and I think Blockchain technology will be instrumental if it can be applied in the healthcare domain for storing health related information. I am sharing a link on how Blockchain can be used to better healthcare.

      Please let me know if I can go ahead and present my research paper on digitization of healthcare and the role health records will play in achieving this digitization.

    3. There are many academic articles on this topic as well. Make sure you consider more than industry papers on this topic. For example, there is a theme on Big Data in Health Affairs (July, 2014).

    4. Here is another more up-to-date article. If on campus you can get the pdf. Here is the link:

  5. Looking at the list above, I am interested in looking into IT-enabled wellness programs. I am a huge advocate for promoting nutrition programs and fitness programs over pharmaceuticals, and want to know more about how different types of companies, including healthcare insurance companies, instill these kinds of programs to reduce company rates. This article below discusses how United Healthcare implements an employee weight loss program that is estimated to save the company $25 million in health care costs annually. Not only that but companies like Cigna are offering incentives to customers who show health improvements. I'm sure there's lots more to research, and I am eager to learn more about the benefits and cost savings of these programs (and who they are implemented).

    1. I tend to look on Health Affairs first, as they have many themes related to this. I found an article there, "Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings", dated Feb., 2010. Then I did a google scholar of the article title and found others. Here's a 2016 article on a 2013 survey of Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States. Good references there, too. But that's usually how I find more recent research articles. There are others. If you are particularly interested in UHC or Cigna, or other health insurance companies, I found this recent article (also in Health Affairs, though didn't look there first). You can VPN in or find on UAWifi. Here's a link to the abstract: "Premium-Based Financial Incentives Did Not Promote Workplace Weight Loss In A 2013–15 Study". It starts: Employers commonly use adjustments to health insurance premiums as incentives to encourage healthy behavior, but the effectiveness of those adjustments is controversial. It was published in Jan, 2016 and also has good references, but seems to be what you are interested in investigating.

    2. Thank you so much Suzie! I will definitely look into these links. I've found a few good ones from the NYTimes if those are still acceptable. Those articles have brought up an interesting theory on potential employee discrimination and privacy issues.

    3. WOW!! Such a great article. (I've been reading your research papers and thought it best to look here first.) You are certainly on to something!!

  6. I would like to focus on studying healthcare in other countries. I would specifically like to look at their methods for making healthcare affordable for all members of society. The countries that I would like to focus on would be Malaysia, the UK, Japan, Switzerland, and Germany. Each of these countries have unique aspects to their health care system that make healthcare accessible to all citizens. Life expectancy in these countries are either close or higher than the life expectancy in the United States. I would like to study this topic to learn more about the ways that the US can learn from the healthcare systems in these other countries.

    1. Great topic. I have the book by T.R. Reid that we used in this class. It covers most of these countries, though not all. You are welcome to borrow it to get started.

  7. As I began looking at the various healthcare IT topics, I found a lot of topics that seemed very interesting to research and compiled an exhaustive list of topics that I would possibly be interested in. I narrowed my list by scope, familiarity, and interest. I narrowed my project topics to two options that equally seem interesting and could both be interesting projects given the limited timeframe and scope. My two project options that I am equally interested in are exploring the process of moving patient records from paper to the cloud and concierge medicine. I think it would be interesting to explore the pros and cons of a patient with an electronic file that can be accessed anywhere versus a growing paper trail that is full of duplicate and outdated information. I think it would also be equally interesting to explore non-traditional healthcare models such as concierge medicine and how it can change the way healthcare providers treat their patients, and how the business model generates a profit.

    1. I thought I responded to you, Shivani. Both are great. One point: Patient records don't usually go from paper to cloud (because of the certified EHR requirement), but certainly from EMR to the cloud is a growing option.

  8. Currently, the healthcare industry is going through a phase of transition from a “Fee for Service” model to “Quality Payment Program”. With the advent of MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act), many practitioners are changing their mode of operation to provide the quality care and thus increase their revenues. Especially, under “The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)”
    track, all practitioners want to do well as this is a ‘zero baseline system’. I want to research this trend and analyze that what new trends this legislation is setting in term of:
    • Impact on the quality of Healthcare.
    • Revenue generated by small and large practices.
    • Important metrics practices are focusing on increasing their practice.
    • Impact of Preventive healthcare

    Reference Site:

    1. On our blog, I have a link to Athena Health's Knowledge Hub. There is a lot of information on MACRA there, as well as other sites. Great topic. Thanks for covering it.

  9. With the emergence of IT, business process have improved at an exponential rate equivalent to Moore's law. With higher processing capabilities, increased storage capacity, and large data transactions, processes should become inexpensive in accordance to the law. But this is not the case for health care. Though there is abundant patient health information, data analytics in this sector is still at its infancy. Data-driven methods are the key to the future of healthcare with improved and low cost services. The potential for data-driven healthcare is huge. Avenues to improve include risk modelling, radiology reports, ambulatory care, and post-acute care to name a few. I want my reseasrch to focus more on how data can be used for predictive analysis of diseases and provide improved diagnostics.
    Early detection is key in reducing healthcare costs. Patient treatment will focus more on 'quality'. For example, physicians getting Clinical Decision Support (CDS) based on patient data - from earlier visits to potentially health information collected from wearables. A futuristic outlook would be the emergence of point-of-care diagnostics, where data-driven software are able to provide an in-home health checkup. This in combination with better lifestyle management and alternative medicine will create a revolution in the 'profit-oriented' industry and bring focus back to quality in healthcare.

    1. It's really not in its infancy, though not all hospitals and doctors use them, and not all data are available. It is important to focus. The way I understand this, you want to focus on predictive analytics as a way to improve diagnostic care of diseases. The last paragraph gets away from that, though. Early detection is not based on wearables, and quality is the focus of healthcare now. You mention many variables in this paragraph and I am trying to offer help, but not sure what exactly you want to do. I'm going with what you said, "I want my reseasrch to focus more on how data can be used for predictive analysis of diseases and provide improved diagnostics." Is that what you want to do?

    2. Agreed it is not in its infancy, and you have understood what I want to do. I can understand the last paragraph was vague, or perhaps I was being too futuristic.
      I will focus on predictive analysis and improved diagnosis of diseases for my research.

  10. I want to research the role of artificial intelligence in healhcare. As the fields of IS and IT field grow, artificial intelligence will start playing a bigger role in everything, including healthcare. Potential topics to research range from remote patient monitoring to AI in oncology practices. I found this interesting article:

    1. Good topic, but your link is about start-ups and where investors (one in particular) are spending their VC money. From this map, which area would you like to investigate. The more focused at first, the easier to write. It is a great place to start. If you give me an idea of which ones are most intriguing, I can help. Robotics is big in healthcare, or maybe virtual assistants. Up to you. I can help once you decide.

  11. My research proposal will focus on the delivery of healthcare or in other words telemedicine services. Among our readings, the delivery of healthcare is one of the big issue associate with the quality of it. I found an article introduced several doctors' on-call app from New York Times. Like using Uber, but instead of a car, a doctor will show up. Although these apps are still pioneer players to this market (Some of them were just started in Feb, 2016) and there may not be enough data or customers' reviews for me to access, they are expanding very fast so that I can expect to construct an in-depth analysis of its service, quality, and customer satisfaction.

    1. This is a good link you provided:
      . Have a look at the links and then decide on a particular type of app and whether it serves as telemedicine services (not all do, though house calls is in between - as it's an app and face-to-face healthcare). So pick an area. It's too big to pick them all. Great article though. Hope to use it in class, too. :)

  12. I also would like to reasearch the role that artificial intelligence plays in the healthcare world as well as the conversion of all healthcare to being electronic. As of now healthcare is all over the place, some clinics and hospitals still do everything hand written while others do everything electronic. I want to research the impact that converting to electronic has made on these hospitals and clinics as well as the overall potential

    1. Kenneth Cox provided a link that might get you started. ( It is safe to say that not all hospitals and doctors use AI, but most clinics and hospitals do NOT "do everything hand written." So, AI or converting to electronic health records? I got confused by your last sentence.

  13. I would like to do research in the field of Medical Imaging Informatics. I would like to focus my research on the various drivers of the Medical Informatics market.What are the present trends in the medical informatics market.What are the future trends in the field. What is the competetive space looks now in this field now and in future. I would also focus on the various research work that is going on in this field. And how the research work is beneficial for the patients.

  14. Good topic. I like the focus on medical imaging informatics. Here is the link to that from the first site: Did you get the report from SATPRNews? I found the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) at http// that looked interesting.

  15. The topic I would like to work on for my project is Electronic Medical Records and how data driven methods can improve how doctors treat patients and can share information. A close family friend is a doctor in Tucson and has seen and experienced first hand how data and EHR's have changed how doctors are able to help patients, as well as the shortcomings involved with them.

  16. Not exactly sure what you mean by "data driven methods" but expect you mean how data in EHRs have changed the way doctors are able to help patients, both for its benefits and costs (i.e., "shortcomings").
