Final Announcements & Links

Final Blog Post Grading Guidelines
Due:  by Sunday, May 7
20 points 
I will evaluate the final blog post on the following criteria: 
  • 5 points - Introduction.  Mostly covered in presentation.  Just say again the goal of the project and what you hoped to learn. 
  • 10 points - A summary of what you discovered from the research you did.  What surprised you, or what did you learn that was unexpected when you first started?   
  • 5 points - Implications of the project, both what it means now and next steps.
Final Readings, Videos, and Podcasts
Based on the weekly schedule, here is a relatively short list (based on on themes) *

  • Patient-Centered Care (Week 10)
    • HI, Ch. 10: “Consumer Health Informatics” 
    • R. Wachter (2015). Ch. 21, “Personal Health Records and Patient Portals,” pp.183-93 
    • R. Wachter, Ch. 20, “OpenNotes,” pp.171 - 181. 
    • e-Patient Dave 
    • Open Notes (examples beyond Seinfeld episode)
  • Mobile Health (Week 11) 
    • HI, Ch. 11: “Mobile Technology”
    • E. Topol (2015). Ch. 8, “My (Smartphone) Doctor,” pp. 159 - 179 
    • “Connected APPs in Healthcare, 2017: A Look at Trends and Provider Attitudes in a Growing Market” (found on 
    • Aaron E. Carroll, Wearable Fitness Devices Don’t Seem to Make You Fitter 
  • Future of Medicine (Week 12)
    • The Blue Button Initiative: From the VA to the Federal Government 
    • Rock Health - Rock Health is a nonprofit, funded through a combination of philanthropy from successful graduates and investors, and fees for conferences and educational materials. 
    • McKinsey Report, “HealthCare’s Digital Future” (e.g., Scanadu)
    • Quantified Self - Big Mother is Watching You, Buzzfeed article posted Facebook (investigate some of the links)
  • Pharma and Addiction  (Week 13)
    • Understand why pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. can charge so much for drugs as compared to other countries (Norway is in the reading - and quiz)
    • Watch video (John Oliver at least)
    • Listen to podcasts
    • NEW:  An LA Times Investigation: ‘You want a description of hell?’ Oxycontin's 12-hour problem by Harriet Ryan, Lisa Girion and Scott Glover, May 5, 2016.
      • This is PART 1.  There are 4 parts.  When on the link, click on Stories. 
      • The LA Times investigated Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, the drug that started the whole opiod addiction epidemic.  Purdue knew and did nothing.

  • New Ways of Caring (Week 14)
* The schedule linked here indicates starred readings, videos, and podcasts to help focus your attention.

Some readings from Elisabeth Rosenthal's book


  1. When are we scheduled to take this final?

    1. Posted it. I assume you saw the announcement and post on FB. Just thought I would make it explicit here in case any one was reading this. :)

  2. When I tell you. :) Creating it now. Just want to get the readings and links up here so you have access to them. (That actually took longer than I thought.) I will make sure you have at least 48 hours, but can add a day, if that eases the burden for other finals you may have.
