Sunday, March 26, 2017

Dr. Victoria Sweet, March 29

Here is the info on the talk by Dr. Victoria Sweet, author of God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine.    She is talking right after our class, and with a dessert reception.  It's at the Marriott University Park at Main Gate, so it's pretty close by.  (The link above is to her website).

Here is a brief article in the Huffington Post about her book.    Her ted talk is found on her homepage.
Comment below if you would like to attend.  I'll add you to the rsvp as a guest.

1 comment:

  1. I went to this talk and it was not very good. It was a rehash of her Ted Talk (with slides), and because I already knew the story of her book, it was nothing new. I was going to go to the microphone and ask if she heard of The Patient Revolution (I'll post that soon), or the book about Doctor's Don't Listen, but she didn't seem well informed of other works other than her "Slow Medicine" philosophy. When asked if there were other models out there or other countries, she went into the joys of Sweden, at least that was how it sounded. It was then that I left.

    I know about her book, and had read enough to know about it and the stories it contained. She is milking this for all it's worth. Which, on a side note, so do others who have books and a reputation to build. Dr. Topol is another who rarely sways form his story of health on a smart phone. But I digress.... More on that in another post.
