Wednesday, May 3, 2017

MACRA may not survive the Trump Administration

The headline read, "Tom Price Is A Sharp Critic Of Obama-Led Shift Toward Value-Based System For Medicare. Yes, the Health and Human Services Department secretary says the move could undermine the traditional doctor-patient relationship.

The Obama administration and congressional Republicans and Democrats took added steps in 2015 that potentially could discourage overbilling and other fraudulent activities by changing the way doctors are reimbursed for their services. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) was designed to shift the medical system away from tradition “fee-for-service” and towards rewarding the quality of service in a bid to save hundreds of billions in the coming decades. But while the Obama administration took an important step last October by issuing the proposed new regulations to implement the law, they could be stopped in their tracks under the new Republican leadership at HHS.

Surprised? My guess is that an executive action cannot stop this, but who knows. 


  1. Indeed surprised! If MACRA really gets stopped by new leadership, that means that thousands of man hours and million of dollars spent in enacting this law go down the drain. Healthcare expenditure of a different kind but a major wastage nonetheless. It would be interesting to see what alternative comes to replace MACRA if it really gets repealed.

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